
Reforestation & organic farming

We are building forests around the world

ForestFinance projects focus on the sustainable and fair cultivation of natural raw materials such as wood, cocoa, olives, dates and almonds. We attach equal importance to the economic, ecological and social impact of all our projects.

Forest protection with an impact

Our forest conservation projects focus on ecological and social impact. "We build forests" serves as the principle of our actions at all locations. Whether in Germany, North Africa, South and Central America or Asia - we reforest, grow fruit sustainably and consistently protect existing rainforest.


We work transparently and are committed to short supply chains and fair employment at all project locations, as well as climate and species protection. We have our work certified according to strict standards and regularly audited by independent third parties.

ForestFinance project successes in figures:

We have reforested more than 6,000 hectares of fallow land worldwide.

We grow cocoa according to ecological principles on 400 hectares of former pasture land.

On 450 hectares of desert soil in Morocco, we grow olives, dates and almonds.



You can find out more about the projects and locations here:

Forest conservation in Panama

Protected forest area: 145 soccer fields (104 hectares)
Biodiversity status: „high conservation value forest"
Climate protection: at least 186,705 tonnes* of CO2 bound

Forest and species protection in Panama

Biodiversity in tropical climates is not only higher, but often also denser. In Panama, for example, there are more bird and plant species than in all of Canada and the United States combined. However, ongoing deforestation poses a major threat to this diversity: from 2001 to 2021, Panama has lost 466 hectares of tree cover.

Protected forest "Los Monos"

Located in the heart of Panama is the biodiverse natural forest "Los Monos". Numerous rare species live in our protected area, which has been classified as a "high conservation value forest" in biodiversity studies. It is also home to endangered species. It is home to many rare species of reptiles, amphibians and birds, as well as capuchin monkeys, sloths and ocelots. The name of the protected area "Los Monos" is no coincidence: it means "the monkeys".

Forest protection is climate protection

One hectare of this rare forest stores at least 188,600 kilogrammes of carbon. This is the result of conservative calculations by climate protection experts. That equals the average amount of CO2 produced by a person living in Germany in 20 years. Our forest offers us humans more than climate protection: it shows us how important biodiversity, climate and water protection are. That is why we have set up a nature trail in the unique forest reserve that impressively shows the impact of the forest.

Certified climate protection

*The calculation of the amount of carbon stored over a period of 20 years is based on comparative studies and only includes above-ground biomass in the calculation.

Reforestation in Panama

Project launch: 1995
Fincas: 65
Reforested area: 2,800 soccer fields (2,060 hectares)
Trees planted: 2,266,138
Additional forest protection area: 900 soccer fields (670 hectares)
Jobs: for 51 people
Climate protection: at least 461,338 tonnes* of CO2 bound

Almost 30 year-old forests

The oldest ForestFinance forest was planted in Panama in 1995. We chose this country for the first reforestation projects because it has the ideal growing conditions for forests. Meanwhile, we plant and maintain mixed forests in four of the ten provinces of Panama (Chiriquí, Darien, Panama and Veraguas) on a total of 65 fincas and an area which, together with the forest reserves, would be enough for about 3,700 soccer fields.

Forests with an impact

We plant our trees from home-grown seedlings of predominantly indigenous tree species such as amarillo, cocobolo and zapatero and supplement them with so-called value woods such as teak and mahogany. The trees are cared for by our employees on-site.

The oldest trees and forests in Panama are now over 25 years old and are among the most important seed banks in the region. Together with the investments of our clients, we can thus strengthen biodiversity far beyond our project boundaries. At the same time, the mixed forests create new refuges for native species, improve soil quality and protect water and climate.

All reforestation projects in Panama are double-certified. They have been awarded the FSC® seal (Forest Stewardship Council®) for sustainable forestry and the internationally renowned Gold Standard climate protection standard.

Certified reforestation and climate protection project

For more information about our FSC®-certified products click here.

*The amount of carbon stored shown here is based on the credits certified until 2018 according to the "Gold Standard" certification as part of the climate protection project "Co2ol Tropical Mix".

Sustainable cocoa farming in Panama

Project launch: 2008
Fincas: 3
Cocoa cultivation: 218 soccer fields (156 hectares)
Cocoa trees planted: approx. 173,000
Area of protected natural forest: 200 soccer fields (147 hectares)
Jobs: for 34 people
Climate protection: 2,050 tonnes* of CO2 bound

Cocoa agroforests in Panama

We started planting our cocoa forests in Bocas del Toro/Panama in an agroforestry system in 2008. Today, we care for and manage the cocoa trees sustainably on a total of 156 hectares of land. Adjacent to the cocoa fincas are 147 hectares of natural forest, which we protect from management, damage and natural risks.

Best practice for sustainable cocoa farming

The cocoa project in Panama is one of the best practice examples of sustainable, environmentally and climate-friendly cocoa cultivation. Together with the cocoa farmers in the neighbourhood, we are working, among other things, on cultivating particularly disease-resistant, high-quality cocoa clones.

In addition, we are committed to further establishing Panama as a location for fine flavoured cocoa. In the international Cocoa of Excellence competition, our fine flavoured cocoa from Panama was awarded the bronze medal at the end of 2021.

Since October 2022, the entire project has been certified organic and the fine flavoured cocoa has been awarded the EU organic seal. Furthermore, the ForestFinance cocoa project is the first agroforestry project ever to be awarded the renowned Gold Standard climate protection standard.

Certified cocoa farming

*The amount of carbon stored shown here is based on the credits certified until 2018 according to the "Gold Standard" certification under the climate protection project "Co2ol Tropical Mix".

Sustainable cocoa farming in Peru

Project launch: 2012
Fincas: 7
Reforested area: 260 soccer fields (186 hectares)
Trees planted: approx. 251,658
Area of protected natural forest:
14 soccer fields (10 hectares)
Jobs: for 40 people

Cocoa agroforestry in Peru

Our cocoa forest project in the San Martín region in north-eastern Peru stands for the sustainable cultivation of fine flavoured cocoa, the creation of fair jobs and forest protection. Since 2012, the first cocoa trees have been growing on 186 hectares of land. The region offers us ideal conditions for cocoa cultivation: there are many nutrient-rich river valley meadows and moderate annual rainfall. The cocoa grows on former cattle pastures in a tropical climate with an average temperature of 26 degrees Celsius. 

Agriculture that creates forest

Almost 15 percent of Peru's land is protected. Nevertheless, Peru's valuable tree population is also being cleared for agriculture, cattle breeding and quick profit. In the province of El Dorado, to which our cultivation area belongs, people live predominantly from agriculture, which poses a threat to existing natural forests. With our cocoa agroforests, we create perspectives on the one hand and projects for sustainable land use without deforestation on the other. 

Certified cocoa farming

After harvesting, the cocoa beans are fermented and dried by our team for storage and export in the in-house processing centres. Four of the seven fincas in Peru have already been awarded the EU organic label. Since September 2022, we have been able to offer almost 90 per cent of our Peru cocoa with the organic seal. 

Reforestation in Colombia

Project launch: 2012
Reforested area: 4,300 soccer fields (3,075 hectares)
Trees planted: approx. 4,098,975
Jobs: for 60 people
Area of natural forest: 1,500 soccer fields (1,129 hectares)
Climate protection: 197,887 tonnes* of CO2 bound

Megadiverse Colombia

The northernmost country in South America is home to around ten per cent of global biodiversity. More than 300 different types of ecosystems can be found on the Colombian national territory. Colombia is thus one of the few megadiverse countries in the world. However, progressive deforestation poses a major threat to natural forests and biodiversity. The Vichada region in the northeast, where our acacia forests grow, is a habitat for flora and fauna that is as unique as it is endangered. 

Acacia forests in Vichada

ForestFinance's Acacia mangium forests are located on the edge of the Llanos, near the provincial capital Puerto Carreño. The Llanos refers to the wide plain in the north-east of Colombia, which is characterised by wet savannahs. They are irrigated by the Orinoco River. Our acacias grow in this sparsely populated region and enrich the soil with nitrogen to make it more fertile in the long term. Our goal: after several rotations, we want to successively reforest the acacia forests with native tree species in order to create a permanent near-natural mixed forest. 

Forest for sustainable development

Reforestation promotes biodiversity, providing a more biodiverse habitat for many animals and plants in a barren landscape. The acacia forests improve the storage and filtering of water, serve as erosion control and have a positive influence on the local and global climate. In addition, the project creates secure jobs, which are rare in the sparsely populated and economically poor region. 

Certified reforestation

*The amount of carbon stored shown here is based on the credits certified until 2019 under the "Gold Standard" certification.

Organic olive and date farming in Morocco

Project launch: 2018
Cultivation area: 560 soccer fields (400 hectares)
Trees planted in total: approx. 360,000
Of which date palms: approx. 27,000
Of which olive trees: approx. 333,000
Jobs: for 60 people 

Oases urgently needed

The Sahara fringes south of the Atlas Mountains have a hot, dry desert climate. Many of the oases in the Errachidia region southeast of the Atlas Mountains are threatened by the spreading desertification. This desertification is driven by climate change. Many oasis communities also lack sustainable management to make the best use of resources while conserving them. This leads to water shortage and lack of perspectives for the population. With the ForestFinance Oasis projects we create urgently needed jobs and perspectives for many families.

Organic dates and organic olives in Morocco

In 2018, we launched the Oasis 1 project to grow olives and dates in Morocco. The region's climate is ideal for cultivation, as it rarely rains and the sun ensures that the fruits ripen quickly. With 200 hectares of olive trees and 200 hectares of date palms, as well as other cultivation areas in the immediate vicinity, Oasis 1 is one of the largest cultivation projects of its kind in the world. Since the start of the project, the cultivation has been awarded the EU organic seal. 

Sustainable agriculture from the desert

We manage the entire cultivated area as environmentally friendly as possible. The olive trees and date palms are irrigated with the innovative, sustainable drip system, which directs the water directly to the roots of the plants. This prevents water evaporation, as temperatures in the growing region can quickly rise above 40 degrees Celsius. The project is elaborate and technically equipped according to the latest standards. Modern solar systems ensure the area-wide power supply.  

Certified cultivation

Organic almond farming in Morocco

Project launch: 2021
Agricultural area: 70 soccer fields (50 hectares)

Superfood organic almonds from Morocco

Almonds are one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. They are still planted around the Mediterranean today. In Morocco, after the olive tree, they are one of the most widely cultivated crops. Their cultivation has a tradition there and the climatic conditions are well suited.

Almonds are considered a sought-after superfood. Especially in organic quality, the demand for the kernels is high. This can also be explained by people's increasing health awareness. Almonds, with their numerous healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, are playing an increasingly important role in nutrition and cosmetics. 

Almond cultivation in good neighbourhood

The Oasis 2 almond project is being built adjacent to the Oasis 1 project for the sustainable cultivation of olives and dates. The total area of 50 hectares will first be prepared for planting and finally planted with an average of 1,150 almond trees per hectare. The almond cultivation is carried out according to the guidelines of organic farming. The almond trees are irrigated with the innovative sustainable drip system, which directs water directly to the roots of the plants. In this way, we prevent the evaporation of water. This form of almond cultivation is not only environmentally sound and climate-friendly, but also valuable for the economy of Morocco. 

Certified cultivation

Forest cemetery in Germany: Waldfriedhof Eifel

Project launch: 2013
Forest cemetery area: Almost as large as Bonn's famous cemetery  "Alter Friedhof" (2.76 hectares)

A forest reserve on the river Ahr with ancient forests 

In the immediate vicinity of cities such as Koblenz, Cologne and Bonn lies the popular recreational area of the Eifel. Our forest conservation project and forest cemetery Waldfriedhof Eifel – Bestattung & Naturschutz (formerly known as forest cemetery Rest in Trees) is located in the far north of Rhineland-Palatinate, immediately bordering North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to its ancient forest stands, this region is known for its wine-growing towns such as Ahrweiler, Dernau and Bad Neuenahr. In the middle of the Ahr Mountains lies the municipality of Hümmel, which has consistently managed a forest reserve of around 750 hectares ecologically here since 1995.

Beech and oak trees as natural grave monuments

The ForestFinance forest protection projects, which include the forest cemetery Waldfriedhof Eifel and the neighbouring protection project WildeBuche ("wild beech"), ensure that the ecologically valuable forest stand is preserved. We have leased a part of the forest reserve from the municipality of Hümmel in order to jointly protect and preserve the primeval forests here. A Rest in Trees forest burial ground protects valuable, 4,000-year-old forest that has not been managed for many decades.


To learn more about the forest cemetery Waldfriedhof Eifel and our forest tours, visit:

Forest reserve in Germany: WildeBuche

Project launch: 2011
Area of natural forest: 1.6 soccer fields (1.2 hectares)
Fully protected since: 2022

A primeval forest full of beech trees

Large ancient beech forests are now rare in Germany. In the community of Hümmel (Rhineland-Palatinate) bordering North Rhine-Westphalia, we have leased such an ancient beech forest to place it under protection. The aim is to preserve old deciduous forests.

WildeBuche for biodiversity in Germany

With WildeBuche, together with many people, we have been protecting a very old deciduous forest in which predominantly beech and oak trees grow since 2011. For at least 50 years, we guarantee that no cultivation will take place in this valuable, primeval forest-like forest and that this unique ecosystem will be preserved. Beech trees up to three hundred years old grow on around 4,000-year-old soil in our forest reserve in the middle of the Eifel and form a refuge for numerous endangered native species such as wildcat, black woodpecker and black stork. 


Currently, our WildeBuche forest in Germany is fully protected. With the neighbouring forest protection project Waldfriedhof Eifel - Bestattung & Naturschutz, you can continue to protect valuable forest in Germany. Would you like to get involved with forests in Germany? Please contact us!

Reforestation in Vietnam

Project launch: 2009
Reforested area: 2,200 soccer fields (1,573 hectares)
Trees planted: approx. 2,415,450
End of project: 2022

Sustainable forestry

The region around the Ben Hai River, where ForestFinance planted acacia forests, was heavily devastated during the Vietnam War. Even after the end of our project, the region is in urgent need of further development. This is because the country's tropical forests have been destroyed for decades by slash-and-burn agriculture and rigorous logging. For reforestation measures and sustainable forestry methods, there is therefore great support from the regional authorities and also from the very committed local population.

Acacia trees for sustainable development

During the project period, which ended in 2022, we successfully initiated and implemented a forestry training programme in Vietnam in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), which still has an impact today: the ForestFinance project has taken a pioneering role in ecological forest management throughout the country and still serves as one of the best practice examples for sustainable forest management in Vietnam. 

For climate, biodiversity and forests – join us!

EULA follow-up